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Discover Your Anti-Love Language with These Unlikely Valentine's Streams
What to watch on Peacock based on what makes you feel cold and prickly inside.
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Look, Valentine’s Day is not for everyone. It sets couples up for failure by creating unnecessary romantic pressure on an arbitrary day, and it makes everyone else feel lonelier than ever.
Knowing you and your partner’s love language is helpful in relationships to give and receive love in the way that each partner understands it.
Knowing your anti-love language is helpful to know how to feed your cold, dark heart with hatred and evil to ward off the icky, pink, sugarcoated vibes that proliferate on Valentine’s Day.
Anti-Love Language #1: Words of Affirmation Insults
If hurtful comments and sharply worded insults make you feel better by making your enemies feel bad about themselves, your anti-love language might be insults.
Anti-Love Language #2: Acts of Service Revenge
You don’t get mad, you get even. Okay, maybe you also get mad, but you definitely get that sweet, sweet revenge.
Anti-Love Language #3: Gifts Theft
“Finders Keepers, Losers Weepers” is your favorite Elvis song and also your motto in life. You know what feels even better than receiving a thoughtful gift? Taking something you want away from someone you hate.
Anti-Love Language #4: Quality Time Isolation
Just please, please leave me alone.
Anti-Love Language #5: Physical Touch Conflict
When people are trying to be polite, they call you “direct.” You know what you want, and you will do whatever it takes to get it—even if someone (or many someones) gets hurt.