Exclusive Interview: Kate, Trishelle, and Parvati Talk Life After The Traitors, Keeping Your Enemies Close, and What Shows They Want to Do Next
The Season 2 players dish on it all at The Traitors Castle Garden event.
There’s simply no party like a Traitors garden party. We got the opportunity to chat with Kate Chastain, Trishelle Cannatella, and Parvati Shallow at The Traitors Castle Garden pop-up event in Los Angeles before the three rode off into the sunset (okay, rode on a Traitors trolley over to a packed crowd of fans dressed in their Scottish best). Read on for the scoop on keeping your head in the game, behind-the-scenes chaos, and returning to life after filming.
This interview has been edited and condensed for clarity.
Peacock: The first question I have for you: Which series represented in the cast of The Traitors would you be on if you could?
Kate: I would not choose Survivor; it sounds really hard. I would probably choose Housewives. It’s the least amount of physical exertion.
Trishelle: Big Brother. I’m a huge Big Brother fan.
Parvati: I would do Dancing with the Stars. I mean, we had Max! I’m really putting it out there.
Peacock: During filming, were you in game mindsets the whole time, or were you able to turn it on and off when the cameras weren’t rolling?
Kate: I think it’s such an immersive experience that it feels like the most important thing on the planet while you’re playing the game. It’s pretty incredible, and I learned about myself [that] I am not a good liar, and you can quote that.
Parvati: I am also not a good liar. People think that I am a good liar but —
Kate: That’s a lie.
Parvati: That’s a lie?! [Laughs] Thank you.
Kate: You did it well.
Trishelle: I could kind of tell that you were having trouble with the lying.
Parvati: It was really so hard for me, and, like Kate’s saying, you’re not leaving the castle or castle grounds except to do missions — and you’re still in game mode for that. So, for me, it was just nonstop. And I just let myself go into that character nonstop. I’m like “okay we’re gonna be here for the amount of time that we’re here filming, and I’m just gonna throw myself into it.”
Peacock: Do you think about anything in your real life differently now, like your social interactions, having played the game as characters who had to be in that mindset?
Parvati: Oh, I hope not.
Kate: After you get back from the castle, there truly is a period of downshifting, like decompressing, because it is so intense when you’re there.
Parvati: It doesn’t linger after a few weeks.
Trishelle: I thought that I could be a Traitor the whole time I was there, but then when I watched it back and I saw everybody else, there’s no way I could’ve done it.
Peacock: What was the best day of filming and the most challenging day you had filming?
Kate: The best day of filming, I would say, was the last. It felt so good. It was a pretty spectacular mission with the zip-lining and the boat.
Trishelle: Yeah, that was cool. Well, the boat ride back was kind of gnarly.
Kate: I’m trained in that; it was easy.
Trishelle: We had like a Triangle of Sadness moment where I thought that we were going to sink, and I was looking at Kate like, “Are we okay? Are we okay?”
Kate: Yeah, I was like, “Lifejackets, everyone. Just in case.”
Parvati: Oh my god! I wasn’t there for that.
Trishelle: Sandra was throwing up. It was a lot.
Parvati: Oh, no! I mean my best day was probably when I got the letter to do the poisoning. That was the most fun I had.
Kate: You did good.
Parvati: I felt like that was my prime, and from there it was all downhill.
Trishelle: You did good!
Kate: No, you did great.
Peacock: Did you debrief with other cast members after the game to talk about your strategies and what your experiences were like on the show?
Trishelle: Well, CT and I had to have a conversation [laughs]. Because after it was done, he was like, “What’s your deal? Like, you tried to vote me out.” So yeah, we had to have a debrief but we’re fine now.
Kate: I didn’t talk to many people. I should send some DMs to see how everybody’s doing.
Parvati: [Laughs] Yeah, keep your friends and your “enemies” closer.
Stream all three seasons of The Traitors.