The Biggest Moments from the Law & Order: SVU & OC Crossover Finale
We can't stop talking about this epic two-episode event...and have a lot of questions, too. [SPOILERS]

Do not read until you have watched Law & Order: SVU Season 24 and Law & Order: Organized Crime Season 3
Bensler fans, it has been quite a journey for us. Ever since the prodigal son, the one and only Detective Stabler, returned, we have all been thirsting for time with our favorite former partners. In the epic two-week crossover event, last night's two-part season finale of Law & Order: Special Victims Unit and Law & Order: Organized Crime had its grand conclusion as the two squads worked to find out who exactly was the criminal brain behind the revenge-for-hire website, Shadowërk.
Let’s take a deep dive into some of the can’t-stop-talking-about moments from the two season finales:
Jet vs. McGrath
Jet Slootmaekers (should we start referring to her solely as Genius Jet™ from now on?) comes up with a genius plan to slow down the Shadowërk server, so they can catch the perp in the act when trying to replace it. Jet insists she needs a few days to get this right, but Chief McGrath tells her it needs to be done immediately. Unsurprisingly, rushing the virus backfires and the site is taken down instead. A very angry McGrath blames Jet, making tensions high in the SVU squad room. Elliot seems very close to lashing out at McGrath (in a way we might have seen in Season 1-12), but alas, our Stabler has grown!
The ROLIVIA Reunion
Detective-turned-professor Amanda Rollinscomes by the SVU squad room to discuss her psych profile on the criminal behind Shadowërk, along with some personal matters. Rollins warns Liv that the site is the perp's way of trying to “take revenge on the world.”Similar to her conversation with Elliot in last week's episode of Law & Order: Organized Crime, Amanda shows more excitement talking about the sociopath behind Shadowërk than she does with teaching. Olivia can spy her discontent a mile away and calls out how she visibly is missing SVU. However, Rollins has still not told Carisi that she is unhappy teaching and is torn between what appears to be an easier life and her passion.
Olivia vs. Normalcy
“I wish I could bottle this moment,” Elliot Stabler says to Olivia Benson while the two are in Olivia’s office eating Chinese food straight out of the container (a clear homage to the original E/O partner days), while watching a live feed of Server Gate™ in Ohio to catch a break in the case.
After Olivia tells Elliot that Wo-Hop is her second oldest partnership, Elliot begins to press her for not opening a Christmas present in mid-May from her son Noah’s half-brother's adopted parents. Olivia says they are “normal” and like a “TV family.” Elliot tells Olivia that not opening the gift is a defense mechanism for her fear of normalcy. Olivia deflects and thanks “Dr. Stabler” for diagnosing her with “normal-itus” and insists the gift remain unopened.
Olivia Gets Hit
Finally, the detectives get a lead when an IT technician goes to the Ohio office to change the broken server. Elliot and Olivia quickly follow to Ohio, but as soon as they arrive, Shadowërk is brought back online, only this time, with a bounty out on Benson and Stabler for $50,000 each.
Even though the two are walking targets, they go to a diner to grab lunch for some of the aforementioned normalcy. A masked man enters the diner spraying tear gas, but Benson spots him and quickly uses a wet napkin to cover her eyes. She goes to shoot the masked assailant but ends up getting shot in the hip during the mayhem. Stabler can’t see the perp, so Olivia takes Elliot’s hands, guiding him to get a clear shot of the masked man. Elliot then carries a wounded Olivia out of the diner, as she directs him on how to get to the exit. (And at this very moment, gasps from the EO fandom are heard around the world.)
After being taken to the nearest urgent care, Olivia appears to be okay, and the doctors are able to successfully remove all of the pellets. Captain Benson is instructed to refrain from physical activity for two weeks, leaving Elliot no choice but to help pick her up off the exam table. The two share a moment in which Elliot tells her he thinks he almost lost her, and it looks like we finally are about to have the moment we have been waiting for for 24 seasons, but just then…Sergeant Bell calls to tell Elliot they have a lead, and off goes Stabler to catch the bad guys.
Goodbye, Jamie Whelan
Meanwhile, the rest of the squads are looking for the now-identified leader of Shadowërk, Kyle, in his lair in Ohio. After a wild chase through the woods, Kyle shoots Jamie through the neck. Jamie makes it out of surgery, but is paralyzed as the bullet went through his spine. Jamie asks Reyes to turn off the device that is breathing for him, but Reyes cannot do it. Jamie’s dad arrives, and shortly after, Jamie codes, leaving us to believe his father did what Reyes could not do. The squad is left to then grieve the loss of one of their own.
Muncy Leaves the Special Victims Unit
Muncy reveals that, at the press conference, Chief McGrath pulled her aside to congratulate her on her work in arresting Elias Olsen, offering her a job with a special task force with the DA’s office. Muncy doesn't immediately accept and mulls over the possibility with Churlish in the breakroom. Ultimately, at the end of the finale of Organized Crime, Muncy decides to take the job and packs up her things, saying an emotional goodbye to Velasco, Fin, and the Special Victims Unit.
Liv, Love, Laugh
With only a few minutes of the episode to spare, our favorite detectives are together again when Stabler visits Olivia to say goodbye before leaving to work on a new case. He hands Olivia a brown paper bag with a little box inside, a gift. However, there is a catch — Captain Benson is not allowed to open the little box until she, or Elliot, first opens the Christmas gift from Noah’s half-brothers’ family. Olivia compromises, saying that if Elliot opens the gift, he must keep it.
The gift in question ends up being a Christmas ornament that says “Live, Love, Laugh.” Olivia giggles at the cheesy gift and asks Elliot if he regrets opening it. Elliot then breaks off the “e” in “Live” so it now reads, “Liv, Love, Laugh.” “You can always fix things. Now I’ll treasure it,” he says.
Olivia then opens the gift from Elliot — a gold compass that is supposed to guide her to happiness. Olivia says she is sure as hell going to try and find it, and Elliot replies “me too, partner.”
And last but not least....
Captain Olivia Benson's Blazers
If there is one thing that’s for certain in SVU, it's that Captain Olivia Benson will be wearing an epic blazer, and in this two-hour crossover, our leading lady delivers. (Five times.)
Burning Questions...
Looking ahead to Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Season 25 and Law & Order: Organized Crime Season 4, we have some questions!
1. Is detective-turned-professor Amanda Rollins being set up for a grand return to the SVU or OC squad?! It looks like our Georgia peach has a possibility of returning, but how will Carisi react to the news?
2. What is Stabler's next case? And more importantly, will we see him pop up in the Special Victims Unit before the midseason return of Organized Crime?
3. Will Olivia finally accept normalcy, and does that include a certain detective named Elliot Stabler?
4. Do people actually go to urgent care after they are shot (or stabbed?!) Inquiring minds must know.
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