6 Thanksgiving Episodes to Stream on Peacock
Stop! It’s not Christmas yet!

Everyone loves a good holiday special or a lively parade, with most shows going all out for Christmas or Halloween. But what about our beloved November treasure? These TV shows make no excuse of Thanksgiving’s ranking on the holiday list by producing iconic Turkey Day episodes worth streaming on Peacock.
1. Modern Family, “Punkin Chunkin” (Season 3, Episode 9)
It’s Pritchetts vs. the rest of the family when Cam’s story of how he launched a pumpkin across a football field in his youth gets the family upset. Mitch accuses Cam of making the story up, with his dad and sister agreeing that it couldn’t be possible. Labeled the "dreamers,” Cam, Phil, and Gloria set out to prove that the Pritchetts are too realistic for their own good.
Stream Modern Family, Punkin Chunkin on Peacock.
2. New Girl, “Parents” (Season 2, Episode 8)
New Girl is one of those shows that consistently delivers when it comes to holiday specials, and Thanksgiving is no exception. Whether that means getting trapped in the wilderness or turning Thanksgiving dinner into your own version of The Bachelor, there are simply too many episodes to choose from. This episode gets a shoutout purely for its guest stars, which include Jamie Lee Curtis and Rob Reiner as Jess’ parents. In an attempt at a Parent Trap situation of sorts, Jess pulls out all the stops to get her divorced parents back together for the holiday, even going as far as having Nick flirt with her mom.
Stream New Girl, Parents on Peacock.
3. Brooklyn Nine-Nine, "Thanksgiving” (Season 1, Episode 10)
Amy attempts to bring the squad together over Thanksgiving dinner with the ulterior motive of asking Captain Holt to be her mentor. When Jake (who notoriously hates the holiday) and Holt leave to investigate a robbery, the rest of the group quickly discovers that Amy’s cooking does not meet their standards.
Stream Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Thanksgiving on Peacock.
4. Parks and Recreation, “Harvest Festival” (Season 3, Episode 7)
Okay, while this might not technically be an official Thanksgiving episode, it’s one of Parks and Rec’s most notorious that happens to take place around the turkey holiday. The Harvest Festival is Leslie’s last-ditch effort to save the Parks Department, and the event seems like it’s going to be a hit. That is until a Wamapoke tribal leader puts a “curse” on the event and the town catches on. This is also Lil’ Sebastian’s first appearance on the show, and it’s safe to say he’s the star.
Stream Parks and Recreation, Harvest Festival on Peacock.
5. The Middle, “Thanksgiving III” (Season 3, Episode 10)
The Middle is a show that provides quality Thanksgiving content season after season, so much so that it was almost impossible to choose just one. “Thanksgiving III” makes it to the top of the list when the Heck’s go to visit Frankie’s family and are met with her sister, Janet (Molly Shannon).
Stream The Middle, Thanksgiving III on Peacock.
6. Superstore, “Black Friday” (Season 2, Episode 10)
This one also might be cheating a little, but everyone knows that it’s not Thanksgiving Day that gives retail workers nightmares. In this episode of Superstore, the Cloud 9 crew gets in bright and early for their yearly Black Friday sale. As they prepare themselves for war, it becomes obvious that a stomach bug is sweeping through the employees. A little bit of store-wide food poisoning is just the addition everyone wanted to add an unfortunate wrinkle to the Black Friday bloodbath.
Stream Superstore, Black Friday on Peacock.