Week 2 Love Island USA Season 6 Recap: Episodes 8-14
Tears, tension and tans were all on display this week in the Villa.

Things are getting electric. Drama is boiling. There’s a reason everyone online is buzzing. Here’s what went down this week on Love Island USA. [WARNING: SPOILERS AHEAD!]
A triangle emerges
New bombshells Nicole and Andrea got to pick two guys each to have a romantic beach picnic with. Nicole picked Kordell and Kendall and shared a kiss with both, while Andrea picked Rob and Aaron, leaving Leah and Kaylor unsure about the status of their couples.
After the date, Leah and Rob tearfully discussed their feelings. Leah expressed concerns about getting her feelings hurt, but Rob said he doesn’t want to have any regrets and that he may have chemistry with Andrea. Rob then made an abrupt exit and dove into the pool, leaving his status with Leah in the air.
Stand up for love
It was time for Nicole and Andrea to find their partners, and no two recouplings are the same. If a guy wanted to match with either of the new Bombshells, he’d have to get up and stand by them at the front of the fire pit. Hakeem, Kendall, and Kordell all stood up immediately. Rob hesitated for a second before whispering “I’m sorry” to Leah and made his way next to the other guys, leaving the other girls shocked.
Andrea picked Rob, leaving Leah single. Nicole went next and chose Kendall, making Hannah single. Leah let her feelings be known seeing Andrea and Rob standing up there together, mouthing a “f– you” to Rob. Both Hakeem and Kordell sat back down, having their couples with Liv and Serena respectively remain the same.
The new couples are:
- Andrea and Rob
- Nicole and Kendall
...leaving Leah and Hannah single.
Pucker up for a challenge
A kissing booth challenge put the Islanders' connections to the test. The blindfolded Islanders lined up to share an anonymous smooch with everyone, which they then rated scale of one to ten. The girls went first, making their way down the line of guys one at a time. After tallying up the scores, the guys voted Kaylor as the winner and sexiest kisser, and the girls decided on Kendall.
But the girls were in for a surprise during the last round of the challenge, as one pair of lips belonged to an unknown Bombshell.
Meet Miguel
Miguel, a 27-year-old model from London, is the latest Bombshell to enter the Villa. After his surprise entrance, Liv, Serena, Hannah, and JaNa all pulled him for chats to get to know the lad with the cheeky accent. JaNa even cooked three different types of eggs for Miguel, interrupting his conversation with Serena to deliver them. Serena was irritated with JaNa for butting in, but the girls talked it over the next day and made up. But, hey, on Love Island USA, sometimes you gotta do what’s best for you.
An Islander says goodbye
The Islanders received a text that tonight the guys were going to be given the choice of who they wanted to couple up with. Newcomer Miguel got to work, growing closer to Liv and chatting with Nicole. The boys also sat Kordell down and told him to really think about his relationship with Serena before recoupling, leaving him contemplating if Serena genuinely likes him.
At the recoupling ceremony, Aaron stayed with Kaylor, Kendall stuck with Nicole, and Rob stayed with Andrea, and Connor, with a “this is not a difficult decision,” picked Leah (cue an eye roll from JaNa). Miguel picked Liv and Hakeem selected JaNa, both interested in seeing where the relationship could lead.
The last to pick was Kordell, deliberating between continuing with Serena or choosing Hannah as a friend. But in the end, Kordell chose Serena.
The new couples are:
Aaron and Kaylor
Kendall and Nicole
Rob and Andrea
Connor and Leah
Miguel and Liv
Hakeem and JaNa
Kordell and Serena
Leaving Hannah as the second islander dumped from the Villa.
A hot, hot, HOT challenge
This music festival-themed challenge steamed things up. The couples first had to navigate through the mushroom field with their vision impacted by goggles. Then, they headed to a slushie stand and splashed a drink on the islander they felt most applied to a shady statement. Finally, they had to find a missing phone, take an Insta-worthy festival selfie, and finish it with a kiss.
Though the weather was hot and sunny, things stayed shady. Multiple Islanders splashed Connor and Leah for being the couple “most likely to burn out first,” and Rob and Connor picked Hakeem and JaNa as the couple they would “like to see dumped next.”
America cast their votes... but with a twist.
Oh, it’s time! The public finally got to have their say in this competition. Ariana Madix stunned the Islanders – not just with her glittery hot pink dress – but with news that America has been voting for their favorite couples and the bottom three are up for elimination. America voted Serena and Kordell, Aaron and Kaylor, and Leah and Connor as the safe couples.
But in true Love Island USA fashion, nothing is as easy as it seems. To determine who'd leave the Villa, the guys and girls would have to choose amongst themselves. With the decision being left to their fellow contestants, there was bound to be drama.
After coming to unanimous decisions, the guys picked Hakeem to leave, while the girls decide on Andrea, despite her strong connection with Rob.
Shocked and upset about the Islanders evicting Andrea, Rob declared his plans to leave the Villa, but after talking it over with Aaron and Andrea, he decided he didn’t want to have any regrets and stayed. Hakeem and Andrea exited the Villa, after one of the most dramatic moments in Love Island USA history.
Eliminated Islanders:
- Hakeem
- Andrea
The Villa turned into a club for this challenge, where our Islanders got to choose to stick in their current couple or twist and explore a new option. Already single, JaNa and Rob were automatic twists.
After dancing to determine their choice, the results were:
Kaylor and Aaron both stick
Nicole sticks and Kendall twists
Liv sticks and Miguel twists
Leah twists and Connor sticks
Serena twists and Kordell sticks
Those who stuck hung out on the balcony and watched as three new Bombshells, Nigel, Kenny, and Cassidy, entered and mingled with the rest of the Islanders.
Week 2 recap: who’s coupled up, who’s single, who went home?
What a drama-filled week this was for Love Island USA! Here’s the breakdown:
Who’s coupled up:
- Aaron and Kaylor
The rest? Honestly, we’re not sure. With the last challenge potentially breaking up most of our couples and three new Bombshells entering, next week is sure to be packed with needed discussions and new dates.
Up in the air:
Nicole and Kendall
Liv and Miguel
Leah and Connor
Serena and Kordell
Who’s single:
The new Bombshells Cassidy, Kenny, and Nigel
Who went home:
Everything can change in a day. Who knows which relationships will last? Watch Love Island USA every night except Wednesdays at 9p ET.
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