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Anime Shows and Movies

Stream all your favorite Anime Shows and Movies on Peacock! Browse our Anime collection and find the best Anime series and movies to watch, including Naruto, Hunter x Hunter, and many more!


Anime is a specific style of cartoon inspired by Japanese animation. The word "Anime" means animation in Japanese, often used to reference any form of animation. To the rest of the world, however, Anime is known as a genre of animated show or movie from Japan often characterized by emotive characters, colorful graphics, and emotionally-explosive plotlines.

The art style used in Anime is unique and easily recognizable by die-hard and casual fans alike. For example, characters with large eyes and exaggerated bodily features are staples in most Anime shows - helping the characters express emotions more easily.

You can watch Anime shows and movies on Peacock. Just sign up for a Peacock account and start streaming your favorite shows today!

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